
Permanent Arbitration administers domestic and international arbitration proceedings, but at the different tariffs. Our on-line calculator is a simple way to calculate the costs of the arbitration. You are only required to specify the value of the claim (in Euros) and whether the dispute is domestic or international. Calculated sum indicates the overall cost arbitration and includes registration fee, administrative costs and arbitrators' fees. 


Costs of Arbitration

At the time of submitting a request for arbitration, a statement of claim, a counterclaim, or a set-off claim, the party shall deposit with the Secretariat of the Court of Arbitration a sum of EUR 200.00 as a registration fee.
For the remaining costs, the Permanent Arbitration uses two different tariffs, depending on whether the dispute in question is domestic or international.

Tariff of arbitration costs in international disputes:

In the case of international disputes, the total cost of arbiation is the sum of administrative costs and arbitrators' fees.

Tariff of arbitrators' fees:

sum in dispute in EUR (from-to) arbitrators' fees
up to 5.000 550
5.001 10.000 550 + 10% of the amount exceeding 5.000
10.001 20.000 1.050 + 7% of the amount exceeding 10.000
20.001 50.000 1.750 + 5% of the amount exceeding 20.000
50.001 100.000 3.250 + 3,5% of the amount exceeding 50.000
100.001 500.000 5.000 + 2% of the amount exceeding 100.000
500.001 1.000.000 13.000 + 1,1% of the amount exceeding 500.000
1.000.001 2.000.000 18.500 + 0,61% of the amount exceeding 1.000.000
2.000.001 5.000.000 24.600 + 0,25% of the amount exceeding 2.000.000
5.000.001 10.000.000 32.100 + 0,23% of the amount exceeding 5.000.000
10.000.001 20.000.000 43.600 + 0,12% of the amount exceeding 10.000.000
over 20.000.000 55.600 + 0,02% of the amount exceeding 20.000.000

Tariff of administrative costs:

sum in dispute in EUR (from-to) administrative costs
up to 5.000 350
5.001 10.000 350 + 6% for the amount exceeding 5.000
10.001 20.000 650 + 4,5% for the amount exceeding 10.000
20.001 50.000 1.100 + 2% for the amount exceeding 20.000
50.001 100.000 1.700 + 1,6% for the amount exceeding 50.000
100.001 500.000 2.500 + 1% for the amount exceeding 100.000
500.001 1.000.000 6.500 + 0,4% for the amount exceeding 500.000
1.000.001 2.000.000 8.500 + 0,2% for the amount exceeding 1.000.000
2.000.001 5.000.000 10.500 + 0,15% for the amount exceeding 2.000.000
5.000.001 10.000.000 15.000 + 0,1% for the amount exceeding 5.000.000
10.000.001 20.000.000 20.000 + 0,05% for the amount exceeding 10.000.000
over 20.000.000 25.100 + 0,01% for the amount exceeding 20.000.000

 Tariff of arbitration costs in domestic disputes:

Administrative costs and arbitrators' fees in domestic arbitrations equals the amount of these costs for the international arbitration of the same amount reduced for 30%.